Monday, June 30, 2008

Popsicle ingredients

I'm not sure if I've gone too far or not...

I was walking towards our neighbor's house today to talk with them and my youngest lovely boy came running towards me with a Popsicle in his hands. It's 11 o'clock in the morning and not really a time that I would want him to eat such a thing but other kids were eating them and I didn't want to be that mean of a mom.

So I thought he was just going to ask me if he could have it. Honestly if he wouldn't have had it in his hands, I would have said no, it can wait until after lunch. But it was there and it was small and it's summer. I think I'm being a nice mom.

The next thing that comes out of his mouth is, "It doesn't have high fructose corn syrup in it. It has has nutrasweet in it, it's sugar free. Can I have it?"

Major dilemna for me. We don't do nutrasweet and that's a pretty easy one to ignore in our diet. High fructose corn syrup is a little harder to avoid, but we try our best. So, he asks the neighbor to read the label of the popsicle box for him because he knows the one thing he can't have. We just avoid nutrasweet completely so he doesn't know.

My wonderful husband happened to be with me at that time and mocked me about what I was going to do.

He got to eat it and he was happy. Now I have to figure out how much additional education I want to do or let it slide!

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