Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I won, I won!!

I won a new bike! How exicting is that?

Would you still be excited if I told you that it's a 20 inch pink and purple bike with a great bell and streamers? Yes, I was the proud winner of this bike last night at the Family Bike Ride. You should have seen my boys eyes looking at it...the cogs were thinking just like mine, what in the world are we going to do with that?

I was ready to be very generous with my bounty but there were only two little girls there who would be possible recipients. One had her name drawn already and was told by her organizer parents that she wasn't really eligble to win (and I'm sure that her bike was much nicer). And the other girl of appropriate age had a brand new bike already!

It's really really girly and not something that I can pass off to my boys even with spray paint over the pink and purple. So, what are we to do? I was told that it was donated by the only store that I boycott and that I should try and exchange it there. We could use that size bike at our house next year so an even exchange for something a little more manly would be great. But, am I willing to go to that place I avoide for that or do I donate it somewhere else? If I send my husband there, is that really still boycotting the place? The distirubtion center is who actually made the donation so I don't really know how that translates into what the big box actually carries and how that will fair in an exchange.

But still, I won!


Amy said...

We went into Wal-Mart last night...I know that I haven't been there this year and that will be enough trips there for me for the year.

I returned the bike and got a store credit and they were very kind.

Kelsey said...

I think you did the right thing. This way, although Wal-mart still can get a bike-amount of tax credit, you got something of worth from it. I didn't know you boycotted Walmart. It's something I've thought about committing to, but I'm scared to think about our Capanna + loan supplemented budget.