Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why don't I ever learn to read the labels?

Pretzels strike again...unfortunately. I bought a bag of plain pretzel sticks the other day for an easy crunchy snack. Why I didn't read the label before I bought them, I don't know, but I didn't until just now. That pesky "partially hydrogenated" word appeared on the label! Yet, another item to cross off the list of available products to buy at the store!

We had fallen in love with some Honey Wheat Pretzel braids from Kroger that we bought based on my husband's suggestion. (He had something similar from a vending machine.) We ate them, all of us, and really liked them. Well after eating about 10 bags of them (they were $1 a piece so the price was good too), I decided to actually read the label. Guess what, partially hydrogenated stuff AND high fructose corn syrup were in those. So those have been stricken from our regularly scheduled shopping tricks.

So, what am I eating now? Celery sticks. I really need to stick with things that God made Himself when snacking! A lot less reading is involved when I do that.

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