Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What kind of sandwhich?

I don't even know if Dagwood would be this brave with his sandwiches. John Lewis has been experimenting with sandwiches lately and surprisingly eating what he creates without much fuss from me! I had to share what his sandwich was for lunch today because I thought it a particularly strange combination:

2 pieces of whole wheat bread
left over sausage patty (cold)
green beans (left-over and cold)
sliced tomato
egg salad

He ate the entire thing - every last crumb of the bread. He definitely got the food mixture gene that his dad has and his mom doesn't! And in true fashion of my boys, he ate multiple pieces of tomato, celery and broccoli as well to round out his well balanced meal. (This one is a real kid because he asked for a piece of candy for desert. Andrew just wanted to go outside and play. He'll ask for an apple later.)

1 comment:

Stef Tarapchak said...

Wow, what a unique combo meal!!!!