Saturday, June 23, 2007

New Family Fun

Now that we are down to one vehicle, we became a 4 bike family! Last night we did our first official family of four bike ride together! We had a really good time riding on the local bike path together called the "Acorn Trail". We won't be taking off from our house in really long time for the family bike ride but the trail is a short drive away and it's flat. For some reason the boys really like to use the coaster brakes on their bikes in the middle of the path - I got a lot of practice riding on my lowest gear.

Grandma and Grandpa gave the boys bikes at Easter and they haven't seemed too interested in them unfortunately. It's been a parenting test to not push too much! They have liked their "Big Wheels" much more than the two wheeled bikes even with training wheels. When dad came home with his bike they both got theirs out so we decided to go ahead an get one for me as well. Need to capitalize on those moments when they are interested!

We really believe that we got a good deal on our bikes - though we aren't much for knowing the prices and brands of bike shop bikes. One of the local bike shops was foreclosed upon and the other bike shop bought a lot of their bikes and selling them about 50% of retail. We ended up only spending about the equivalent of a month's worth of insurance, maintenance and taxes from the VW. Can't complain about that.

We also had another new family fun event that is unique to home schooling - it's called "Box Day". It's when the box of home school curriculum arrives and you get to open it up and take a look at what you'll be learning for the next year. Our box arrived and we sorted through all of the books yesterday. Andrew is definitely excited about all of the books that he's going to get to read in the next year and has gone through quite a few already. He's ready to get started...and so am I. (John Lewis is as well...they are both dying to get started with the Cuisinaire Rods that came with the math program.) My plan is to start right after the 4th of July for just a little bit everyday.

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