Saturday, September 5, 2009

the current project

So I had this great idea to make banners to put my kiddos various "awards", pins, patches, etc. that they earn. Then I had this great idea that they would actually make them...they bought into the idea they are really loving it.

Step one was creating their own design: (This was going out on a limb for me to not be in control of the design, but I only suggested a few modifications to their original making some detail larger and using straight lines!)

Next was to cut out our patterns using Mommy's fabric only scissors for the very first time:

Then cut the interfacing which cost more than the fabric, but who's counting. They were OK with going to the fabric and knitting shop though that I have been wanting to go to...I was dragging THEM out of the place.

The interfacing has been cut out...Next, we actually get to the sewing. I'm sure that you'll be kept a breast of our progress!

(I'm still working on all of the Cub Scout credit that we can fit into this and there's a county fair entry for non-clothing sewing project next summer we can enter. Of course, this can count towards school hours for home ec. We're going to milk everything out of this that we can.) The biggest plus is that they are loving it and begging me to get to the next step. Neither one of them have sewed with the pedal on the sewing machine so we have a learning curve there to get to!

1 comment:

Amy said...

No pictures yet...but we actually sewed today on the sewing machine. I tried to teach them to use the foot pedal.

They did well with the pedal but couldn't hold the fabric and use the pedal effectively at the same time...they are doing great though.