Thursday, March 5, 2009

Random thoughts

For this Lenton season in preparation for Easter, I am giving up facebook. "Giving up" something for Lent is fasting from something - food, activity or some other pleasurable activity - to help remind us of the sacrifice that Christ gave on Easter of dying on the cross for our sins.

When you would normally do said activity, it's a time to pray. Giving up facebook has made me realize that I have really liked the random thoughts that people have put in their status and I liked being able to share some random thought as well with my status.

So, I've blogged a little more during Lent because I haven't had facebook as an outlet for random thoughts. Now, what did I do with all of these before all of this communication? The nice thing about putting these thoughts out there is that I can throw them out there and no one is required to's a personal choice to make a comment or not. If we were in a conversation then you would feel obligated to make some type of response. 

So, is facebook and other statuses (I still set an gmail status and don't use twitter or whatever else may be out there) a means that I don't have to justify my thoughts and diminishing my interpersonal communication? Because I don't have to have face to face conversation about what's on my mind am I allowing myself to have thoughts that go unchecked and could be going down a wrong path. I am trying to be witty or mysterious to win some type of popularity contest to see if I can get people to respond?
Enough random thoughts...I think I'll have a real conversation with my children now.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Those are good thoughts. I guess there is balance in everything, and it is a good exercise to examine our motives and heart.