Thursday, December 11, 2008

To write a Christmas Letter or not to write one

It's that time of the year for Christmas cards! I really like to receive them and enjoy reading the letters that people write about their year. I'm not a snob about the impersonality of these at all, I can't imagine writing or pretending to write a personal letter to everyone. It's fun to revisit the highlights of the year and figure out how to creatively put it together in print.

Last year we didn't send out Christmas cards. I did write a letter but it never made it beyond some e-mail forwards. (Maybe to a grandparent if they were lucky.) This year, I want to send out cards with a letter, but I feel like we have so much unknown in our lives that maybe I should wait before sending news to all of our friends and relatives.

Any thoughts? Do you want a review of our last 12 or 24 months with a paragraph about where we don't know we are going or should I just wait until we know more about where we may be living past January?

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