Monday, December 1, 2008

My son's lovely creation...

Many of my friends blog about the beautiful food that they create and I love to read those posts. This is not beautiful food in my opinion, but wanted to share my son's creation for breakfast no less from a few days ago...

Let me dissect this for you. It's the bottom half of a whole wheat hot dog bun (made by mom). On top is left-over cold cheese ravioli, Parmesan cheese and dill pickle relish.
The good thing about his creations is that he actually does eat them!
This creation was reproduced the following day for lunch with an additional ingredient - cold pinto beans! Yummy...aren't we all ready for this guy to be a chef? The boy can spot an onion a mile away and won't touch it, but he'll eat this!
Child number 1 had a sensible breakfast of cereal and toast.


Rachel said...

How cute! At least he enjoys his own culinary delights. :)

Amy Q said...

Wish mine were more ADVENTURESOME!