Sunday, December 28, 2008

So I did write a Christmas Letter (de-personalized for posting)

Luke 2:10-11 "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

2008 Family News…

It's time to celebrate! We celebrate the birth of Jesus and fulfillment of God's promises of a Savior and celebrate our year's accomplishments. We have much in our family to celebrate and be thankful for this season. I know that there will be those reading this who are looking back on their year and not liking what they see. Our hope for you specifically is that 2009 will be a year filled with hope and love!

Before we jump into our year…here's a quick review of the last few years:

·        January 2006 – We were a happy family living in Kansas City. Hubby was a stay at home dad and part-time student.  Mommy was a product manager at Cerner.

·        July 2006 – Mommy resigns from her job; we sell the house; and move to Iowa City. Hubby begins working at CramerIT.  Mommy ends up staying at Cerner working 2 days/week from home.

·        May 2007 – We move to Rolla, Missouri. Hubby enrolls in University of Missouri – Rolla.  Mommy continues to work 2 days a week and soon after begins to home school the boys.

·        December 2008 –

Hubby has graduated with a Civil Engineering degree from Missouri University of Science & Technology (formerly University of Missouri – Rolla)! We are waiting and trusting that God has a great job waiting, hopefully here in the Rolla area, for him soon. With his limited spare time lately, he enjoyed playing volleyball and doing jobs around the house.

Mommy is finally only a stay-at-home home school mom! She said good-bye to Cerner, again, in October after 15 years with great memories of a fruitful career. She is now focusing on her husband and boys and serving those around here where she can. Running in the mornings is her favorite "me" time activity. She also is enjoying baking and cooking more "from scratch".

Our number one son is now seven and has holes in his smile! He continues to love reading and spends hours doing that most days. When he's not reading, he's involved in Cub Scouts, AWANA, Home School PE, Soccer, T-ball, Odyssey of the Mind and taking Mandarin lessons. When we find time, we do get some school in where he likes history and hates writing anything. (After proofing the letter, he says he no longer hates writing.)

The second "prodogy" managed to make it to his fifth birthday this summer full of song and smiles. He loves his math book and is quickly closing in on his brother. Second to his math book, he loves to play with friends at the park! He gets to do all of the activities as his brother mostly participating and sometimes watching. He did get to do his own soccer and T-ball this year.

As a family, we are involved with a house church, Church Without Walls. We have made great friends who want to serve the Lord and others with their lives. As a church without a building or staff, everyone pulls together to make a service happen on Sunday and other service projects through the week.  Our house is a common meeting place and we enjoy being hospitable even though boys don't like having to clean all of the time!

May you have a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!


Great Scott! said...

WOW! You guys look great! We miss being close by (actually...has that ever happened? LOL). Know that you are being prayed for!
The Smiths

JLM said...

Wish you the best wherever you are lead next.

Rachel said...

This was a great letter. :) It will be exciting to see where/how the Lord leads you in 2009!
Your boys are really was fun to read about what interests them. :)