Friday, September 12, 2008

Yet another...why we homeschool

We started home schooling a little over a year ago. It was not in the master plan at all, but it ended up being the right decision for us at the time. The year was good so we have decided to go for it again this year.

There was really one reasons that we chose this route over public or private school - his reading level was slightly above anything that the classrooms were ready to deal with and we didn't want him to learn to be complacent in his learning.

After making this decision, there have been more and more reasons as to why this continues to be a good decision for us right now. I was forwarded this article that I found interesting. "The parents of nearly one of every five boys in the United States were concerned enough about what they saw as their sons' emotional or behavioral problems that they consulted a doctor or a health-care professional."

Since we have not been in the school system, I cannot comment on how we would deal with the situation. I do think that I agree with the author that the kids need time to play. We get together with other families frequently and our boys still love to play together. It's really wonderful to see 7 boys out running around in a yard with some made-up game that they are playing!

On a day to day basis, we definitely have more play time at our house than school time. I honestly cannot imagine that we could do the number of things that we do if school was an all day thing. I applaud our neighbors that do send their children to school for limiting the number of activities that their children can be involved in so they can have more unstructured and family time.

1 comment:

wbovenmyer said...

Interesting article... I was actually just reading about the need to delay seatwork with boys last night. I am so glad to hear that homeschooling is going well for you guys! Hope you are doing well. Love ya!