Monday, September 1, 2008

Mmmm Apples

We were invited on Friday to pick apples with our dairy farmer!

I said that I wanted a lot of them and I came home with a bunch after picking for a little more than an hour.

Last night we washed about half of them. We quartered apples until we had filled our largest four pots that we own (large pressure cooker, small pressure cooker, spaghetti cooker/stock pot, and a regular dutch oven). After cooking them down, we ended up with about 3 gallons of applesauce. It's in the frig this morning waiting to be canned for enjoyment for the next year.

Our three gallons of applesauce is about 1/3 of the apples that we picked!

This morning will be canning the apple sauce and making fillings for apple pies. It will be an apply fall for us!

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