Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sock Bingo

You read all of those parenting articles about motivating your kids and they say to make it fun and make a game out it. I usually don't feel that creative to come up with some game to get a task done. But it keeps rolling around in my head because I want to try and motivate my children without being angry at them.
So today, we played Sock Bingo. It wasn't really bingo but it was a sock matching game because they weren't getting socks matched just by me asking them to. We split the socks into three groups. I held up one of my socks and they tried to see if they could find a match. Who had the most matches in the end won...

In the end they didn't win anything tangible except they won a happy mommy instead of a nagging mommy and the job was completed with some fun.

We also did fractions with tater tots today, that was a fun one too. Just shows me that I need to take a deep breath and enjoy life a little more and not just demand to be obeyed! (I can't believe that I'm teaching my kids about fractions...and how do you teach a 6 year old to figure out how many 3/4 of 8 hats is? The teachers "lab notes" aren't terribly helpful.)

That tater tots were quite yummy!

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