Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's March!

If anyone reads this and wonders what is happening in our lives, I'll give you a short run down!

Today was like Christmas for me! I had a Pampered Chef Party last month and the order arrived today. My friends were very generous and therefore I was able to get lots of free/discounted stuff! I bought somethings intending them to be gifts...we'll see if I can keep my paws off! (So far, I've not had that thought of why in the world did I put myself through this...) My new mixer is supposed to arrive tomorrow! Wow, kitchen heaven for me.

Tomorrow I'm going to see a podiatrist. I slipped down the stairs two weeks ago and banged my foot against the door jam. It hasn't felt too good since even with magic Nikki fingers. I'm really afraid of leaving the office in a boot tomorrow, but I do really want to run again so I need to do this. (How am I going to deliver all the Pampered Chef stuff if I can't drive???)

The boys finished basketball this past weekend! Upwards was a lot of fun and the closing awards ceremony was surprisingly great - only an hour long with quality entertainment! I'm trying not to say this around the boys, but I'm thrilled that we aren't doing spring soccer. I was thinking that we aren't doing any sports until baseball this summer, but three weeks of swim lessons, four days a week almost counts as a sport! The boys were very blessed to have grandparents come to every basketball game that they played.

My husband has been working really hard. This week seems to be better than the last two - one he was home but worked a ton of hours followed by a week of being out of town.

I think I sealed the deal with the cookie contract tonight. I succeeded in making the cookie the way that they like them! We'll see if I can do it consistently or not, but tonight was good.

I picked up a weekend job in April working for a curriculum company at a convention in Kansas City. I'm really hoping that it is fun and interesting. My husband did remind me that I don't like to go on vacation without him but I'm trying it yet again.

Hopefully tomorrow I can manage to plant some peas in the garden between piano lessons and doctor's appointment. As I was digging in the garden on Sunday, I found most of my perennial herbs coming up and some parsley growing too. I picked something in my garden in December and I have thyme that can be picked right now too. That's really pretty incredible that it's only been three months that the ground was not producing! I'm expecting to only be gardening at my house this year so I will be working to maximize my space.

Our new cell phone only option is working well. I love having my personal e-mail on my phone and all of my contacts there too synced up with my gmail. It's still weird to not have messages when I get home or have a bunch of e-mail to go through because I've looked at it through the day.

For Lent, I'm fasting from Facebook. I do miss it some, but it's good to take a break. It's not always a good place for me and gives me some of the same vibes as high school popularity. I have really amazing friends that I can communicate with outside of Facebook!

That's a summary of our world! I hope that you are enjoying more light and are being blessed by our amazing God! (Pictures to come soon, I'm still not smooth with the picture uploading.)

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