Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring on the horizon

Ah, spring is finally on the horizon. Today was the first outside day we have had in a really long time. Chalk drawings all over the driveway, bikes to get put away, really good stuff for a Saturday! I was brave today and planted some seeds - lettuce, radish, spinach and some cilantro. They were all seeds that I had from last year so we'll see if anything grows. I usually like to plant something around Valentine's Day and I've moved some snow to plant, but this year I couldn't move the slate of ice covering the entire ground!

There are daffodil little tips coming up in many different places in my yard too! So fun finding out what will spring look like in my is a good day to remember that it's coming! (and I'm blocking out the snow in the forecast for Monday)

Now, I really need to get to planning my garden space!

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