Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christmas Cards

We haven't done Christmas cards for I'm not sure how many years - maybe only 2, but two years ago life was very much in transition. I think when we last wrote Christmas cards, my husband had just graduated from college and didn't have a job yet. Most people know that he did find a job and we didn't move, but I think that we are due for the form letter.

I'm not sure who dislikes the form letters. Is it only Dear Abby or Ann Landers - who are now history anyway? It's not that I don't want to write a personal note to everyone, but the reality is that I would say the same things to most people! So this year our Christmas card will contain a one size fits all letter and maybe a short personal note. We will also include a family picture! My friend took some amazing pictures of our family this fall and I will include those in some way. I haven't figured that out yet and then Shutterfly is offering 5o free cards if you blog about their site. (As an aside, it has been good to keep in contact with those old high school college friends - we actually saw some this year in our various travels.)

I have used Shutterfly for photo books which have been amazing! I have these great dreams of being a scrap booker, but it doesn't happen. The photo books are great to put pictures together and then have it sent to you. I don't need any of the equipment needed to crop and tape/glue and worry about acid free and whatever else I would need to think about for pictures.

I made some great photo books of the boys from this summer and gave them to the grandparents. I need to print them again so we can have a copy too! We got some note cards from them as well and they were very nice. Oh, we also have a share site with Shutterfly that we share pictures with some close friends and family! Here is the link if you want to check it out.

I haven't picked out my design yet for our Christmas, but they have a great selection at Many of the actually say Merry Christmas! There are some more generic cards too that you can put your own words in and use them anytime of the year!

This is the end of my commercial for Shutterfly! They do have great offers that I take them up on frequently. If you are interested in doing a commercial you can apply at

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