Monday, May 4, 2009

The Winter Experiment

We came up with the idea of a two week revolving meal schedule for the winter to try and streamline meal preparation. I like meal preparation, but it seemed I was taking too much time to do it and knew that we could eat cheaper if we thought through it some more.

Now that we are in May, it's time to revise the schedule and put us on a summer schedule which I haven't come up with yet.

Here's the winter schedule:

Sun Lunch (church pot luck) - on sale vegetable & starch (or what someone had given us which happened an amazing number of times)
Mon Lunch (we were feeding another family): Ham or Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, vegetable
Mon: Tilapia, Lima Beans, rice
Tue: Tortilla Stack & Salad
Wed: Ravioli & Vegetable & garlic bread
Thu: Roasted veggies w/ chicken
Fri: Refried Bean Burritos & veggies
Sat: Cheddar Chowder

Week 2
Sun Lunch2: (see above)
Mon Lunch 2: Refried Bean Burritos & veggies
Mon2: Veggie Pot Pie
Tue2: Ham or Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, vegetable
Thu2: Chickpea & Cauliflower Curry & Naan
Fri2: Pizza & Raw Veggies & pickles
Sat2: Chili (sometime with macaroni)

Alternate menu items:
Stir fry
Spinach Pie

1 comment:

Amy Q said...

Someone sure appreciated those Monday meals!!! THANKS!!!