Thursday, April 16, 2009

A good home school day

These are the words that a home school mom loves to hear:

Five year old doing math, "This is so easy."

A samplings of his math page (now he's on the third one today...just for fun):
70= 40 + ___ 
50 - ___ = 30
100 = 20 x ___
(3 x 10) - 5 = ___

This guy was asked to write a story for his writing assignment today. Instead of writing in normal English, he was given the assignment to write a story using 12 American Indian symbols using his Cub Scout book. 

Here's the story in English words:

One stormy evening a man and a woman and a boy say hungry around a campfire. The heard a live bear. The man was the top man of the village. One morning a man on a horse rode up with beaver brothers.  The woman called a council. Then they heard a big voice, it was the wise man. He told them to make peace with the man on the horse. The end.


wbovenmyer said...

That is great! Although I can't imagine Jake doing that math anytime soon. What curriculum are you guys using?

Amy said...

The Math that we are using is Miquon. The Cramers used it as well. It's definitely not for everyone, but my boys have done really well with it.