Monday, July 21, 2008

Such a busy month

I've been thinking about blogging all month, but haven't taken the time to sit down and do it. No great wisdom and deep thought.

Last week was a great week though very very busy! I had a chance to help in the kitchen at Camp David of the Ozarks for three days. This camp is for boys and girls who have a parent in prison. It's the 5th year for this camp but the first time that I have had a chance to volunteer. My hubby has done some construction work there so I was familiar with the location - about 8 miles outside of town.

It was wonderful that my boys got to go along as well. They have "Green Team" staff that volunteer to take care of children of those volunteering. So, I volunteered and my boys got some camp experience as well. Boy were they tuckered out! They got to do camp things though not at the same time as the campers. The family who runs the place have a son who is in-between my boys and so they had a great time together! (He has a bunch of sisters so he doesn't feel like he gets too much boy playing time!) On Tuesday, even though they played all day (we got up at 6am to get there), they wanted to go fishing after dinner. I was happy to do my regular job on Wednesday and not do long hours again, but am very admirable of those who did cook 5 days in a row and did all of the planning!

What I learned from the week is that I worry about small stuff too much. These kids have gone through way too much for not even being a teenager yet! I get on my boys because I want them to use the hose in the grass and not on the driveway. Talking with one of the boys gave me a greater perspective this week which I really needed.

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