Monday, October 29, 2007

Flash Back

Tonight I have had a major flashback...walking into a hotel room all by myself pulling a suitcase. Wow, I was doing this frequently just a year and a half ago and now it's a flashback memory.

Today at work was really fun in a way that doing something different is fun - I'm looking forward to going to RSNA and doing the professional thing for a couple of weeks but really glad that I am not choosing to do this full-time.

I can't believe how much I am happy to spend time with my boys. Most days I could be such a better parents...oh such a better mom to those wonderful boys. But being able to spend so much more time together has been so great.

Thank you so much to my husband for his idea for me to spend the time with the boys before they got too hold. Thank you so much to my husband for being such a wonderful financial manager so we could be in this place. Thank you so much to my husband for being the wonderful guy that he is and letting his wife do a bunch of crazy stuff with our lives!

In the mean time, I'll enjoy the hotel time and try and figure out what I did with myself in years past with my time here in the hotel. Translation - I'll probably end up working a bunch this week! I'll be very thankful for only having to work two days next week!

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