Monday, March 23, 2009

I think they get it...

We are currently in low budget mode. We have been blessed greatly that we don't need to be in debt right now with our limited income, but we are trying hard to live within our means. Entertainment is one of those things that we spend very little money on! (We haven't been bored yet though.)

Today the boys where playing with their monster trucks and with some cars and doing stunts. They were discussing the cost of tickets to see the show. The response was given to the price, "We don't have that much in the entertainment budget." How funny and proud I was!

Yesterday after some fun in the park, we went to McDonalds to use four free coupons that we had - two free small fries and two free cones. We praised our kids for doing so well with living in our current situation. Chicken nuggets were requested, but the denial was handled very graciously. While we were there, Travis Pastrana from Nitro Circus and one of the other characters were there too. Never heard of them before, but we did check them out online when we got home. One of the teen workers was in such awe because he got to use the bathroom next to Travis!

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