Friday, April 11, 2008

Raw Milk and farm fresh eggs

Have I just moved to the country or am I'm being influenced by all of the chemical additives propaganda?

We are on our first gallon of raw milk this week and about our 4th dozen of brown eggs straight from the farm! Most of our friends around us are doing the raw milk thing, so I thought that we would give it a shot. The milk came in a glass gallon jar with a large layer of cream at the top. I skimmed off the cream and hope to make some ice cream tonight with that or some butter.

It took Todd and me a day to actually try it. We weren't really quite sure what to expect. Drinking it by itself or putting it in something, I really can't tell that much difference. Both of my boys have asked for milk from the grocery store this morning! I think that's just familiarity thing versus not liking the taste. We are used to skim milk at our house and they don't really care for 2% or whole milk when we go somewhere. So when they heard cream, they weren't too keen on it. After they tried it, I think they are good.

So, here's my thought. I'm still not all quite sure about disease kind of stuff in raw milk. I'm also getting less comfortable with all of the "things" that we do to milk that we buy at the store. I know where this milk is coming from. I know lots of people who have been drinking their milk for a long time. I have been contemplating going organic on the milk thing anyway but at twice the price, I wasn't jumping at it. So, here's my jump in for change - the raw milk is a slightly higher price than grocery store milk for a gallon which will end up being less than a gallon of milk and a couple of cups of cream but still not twice the price. The downside is that I have to drive somewhere else to get it which is not the grocery store.

The eggs are a no-brainer...they are a great price and they taste good. Good thing that they are at the same place as the milk so it's only one more stop. (They have free duck eggs right now - we'll see how adventurous I'll get. Boy this is a long way from my previous professional world...)

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